Unit Cards » Republic of Terra » Vector Squad

Vector Squad
Human Infantry Squad 3
Republic of Terra
Vector Squad portrait
Small 4" - 6 12 -
Actions Team Cost Range ROF Effect
Rifle (VS Infantry only) 1-2 A 12" 1 kill
AT Charges (VS Vehicles only) 1-2 A 6" 1 kill
Advanced [CM 4+]: Countermeasure rolls attempting to negate this weapon's effect are successful on a 4+ (instead of 3+).
Close Combat: Ignores Concealment and short range modifiers.
Micro Artillery 3 A 16" 1 KILL
Infantry Network: Attacks from this weapon can use the LOS of Infantry Teams in this Unit.
Advanced [CM 4+]: *


Adaptive Camo [+1 DEF]: When this Unit benefits from Concealment it gains an additional +1 DEF.
All Terrain: This Unit ignores terrain movement penalties.
Mechanized: This Unit may begin the game mounted in a Courier transport. If it does its Ping is not used for the game.