Downsync Rules

[Beta 4.2.0] - Change Log - Feb 5, 2024


Downsync is a game with a high-level abstraction of future combat in the collapsing world of 2150.

High lethality and technology make conflict outcomes less about weapons defeating armor and more about information, stealth, and deception.

Design Goals

  • create opportunities for players to do surprising things without it being a "gotcha, you forgot X" moment
  • hidden Units without bookkeeping
  • avoid IGOUGO via alternate activation of Taskforce Unit groups
  • activated Unit groupings are flexible and dynamic not strict like platoons or companies and can change from turn to turn
  • having more/better information than your opponent gives an advantage
  • keep the game dynamic by not rewarding staying still
  • avoid mechanics that force players to carefully spread out every single Unit (area of effect weapons)
  • miniature scale is 15mm (1:100). Scale is highly abstracted though and terrain scale is flexible
  • resources reset each round but not at the start of each round to prevent jamming at the end of a round
  • games should take 45-60 min

Components and Conventions

  • Dice: d6
  • Measuring tape
  • Pings: Small/Medium/Large circles 60mm/70mm/80mm
  • Tokens (8mm colored wooden cubes)
  • Models
  • 4x6 ft play area
  • Terrain

Scale and Abstraction

Downsync miniatures are 15mm (1/100 scale). The tabletop represents a holographic interface for commanding your forces with a scale abstracted to improve usability. Each Unit's actual scale would be a 0.1mm dot occupying the general area within its base. Terrain scaled for 6mm-15mm can be used but works best if it is all roughly the same scale.


When measuring distances to or from a Unit/Ping, any point on the edge of the base may be used. Players may take measurements at any time.

Rolling Dice

Downsync uses 1d6 and 2d6 rolls. When rolling 2d6 add the numbers together to determine the die roll result. Higher results are always better.

Roll Modifiers

Modifiers to die rolls are positive or negative number adjustments (example: +X/-X) and are added directly to the die roll result.

Boosting Rolls

When a die roll is Boosted an additional 1d6 is rolled, and the lowest die is discarded. Abilities and effects such as spending a Command Point can Boost die rolls. A roll can only be Boosted once. If multiple effects cause a roll to be Boosted more than once, it has no additional effect.


  • Active Player: The player who is currently taking their turn.
  • Battlefield: The 4x6 ft. surface containing models and terrain where the game is taking place.
  • Command Point: A resource players have each turn to spend on Command Point Abilities and Unit Actions.
    • Command Point Ability: An Ability that all players may spend Command Points to activate.
    • Command Point Capacity: The number of Command Points each player starts each Round with.
  • Force: A collection of Units/Pings controlled by a single player.
    • Controlling Player: The Player controlling the Force and its Units/Pings.
    • Force List: Detailed list of the type and quantity of Units/Pings in a Force.
    • Reserve: A collection of a Force's Units to be revealed on the Battlefield.
  • LOS: Line of Sight
  • ROF: Rate of Fire
  • Round: Collection of Turns. A Round ends when all Units have been Activated.
  • Taskforce: A collection of Units/Pings acting together.
  • Turn: In a Round, players alternate taking turns. Each turn the active player designates a Taskforce to act in that turn.
  • Units and Pings:
    • Controlling Force/Player: The Force/Player a Unit/Ping belongs to.
    • Signature (SIG): Units and Pings have a Signature that determines the diameter of a Ping or Unit base.
      • Small: 60mm
      • Medium: 70mm
      • Large: 80mm
    • Unit: A vehicle model on a base (small/medium/large) or a group of multiple Sub-Unit bases ( 40mm)
      • Multi-Base Unit: A Unit that has multiple Sub-Units instead of one larger base, typically infantry.
      • Sub-Unit Base: A 40mm circular base with infantry or other models on it.
      • Unit Activation: Performing a single Unit's action(s).
      • Activated Unit: Unit that has already completed its Unit Activation this Round.
    • Ping: Circular marker or base representing a sensor Signature indicating a hidden Unit.
    • Place: A special type of movement that does not suffer terrain penalties.

Game Setup

  • Choose Game Size
  • Choose Mission
  • Reveal Force Lists
  • Determine Starting Player
    • Both players roll 2d6, and the higher rolling player chooses which player will deploy first
    • The player that deploys first will take the first turn of the game as the Active Player
  • Deployment
    • For each Unit in a Force List, deploy a Ping of matching Signature (size) within the mission deployment zone

Game Sizes

Small Game

Unit Signature Quantity
Small 2
Medium 3
Large 1

Command Point Capacity: 5

Standard Game

Unit Signature Quantity
Small 4
Medium 5
Large 2

Command Point Capacity: 7

Force Lists

When creating a Force List, all Units must be from the same Faction. The Game Size determines the number of small/medium/large Unit slots your force list will contain. For each Unit size slot, select a Unit of matching size from your Faction.

For example, a Small Game Coalition Force List contains any 2 small Units, any 3 medium Units, and any 1 large Unit. The same Unit may be included multiple times.

Command Points

The Command Point Capacity of a game is determined by the Game Size.

Players begin each Round with a number of Command Points equal to the game's Command Point Capacity. Players cannot exceed the Command Point Capacity or carry over Command Points from a previous Round.

Command Point Abilities

A Command Point may be spent to do one of the following:

Sequence of Play

A game is made up of a number of Rounds. In each Round, Forces alternate resolving Taskforce Activations. In each Taskforce Activation, a Force Activates a selection of Units/Pings called a Taskforce. When all Units/Pings of both Forces have been Activated, the Round ends.

Round Overview

Start of Round Cleanup

Player Turns

Each Player alternates resolving Taskforce Activations until all Units/Pings have been Activated. The Player currently resolving a Taskforce Activation is the Active Player, and the opposing Player is the Non-Active Player.

End of Round

The Non-Active Player of the last Turn in a Round becomes the Active Player in the first Turn of the next Round. This means a Player will never have two Turns in a row.

A Player is still considered the Non-Active Player if they initiate a Reaction Engagement in the last Turn of a Round.

Turn Overview

The Active Player performs a Taskforce Activation.

Taskforce Activation Phases

  • Designate: Select Units/Pings to be included in the Taskforce
  • Reveal: Any Pings in the Taskforce may be Revealed
  • Refresh: Regenerate Countermeasures and resolve special abilities
  • Move: Move all Units/Pings in the Taskforce
  • Reaction Engagement (optional): The non-active player may initiate a Reaction Engagement
  • Unit Activation: Activate each Unit in the Taskforce one at a time


The Active Player declares which Units/Pings will be included in the Taskforce. Any un-activated Units/Pings in the player's force may be included. Designated Units are now considered to be in the Taskforce (aka Taskforce Units).

If the Non-Active Player has activated all of their Units this Round, the Active Player must include all of their remaining Units in one Taskforce.


Any Pings in the Taskforce may be Revealed. See: Revealing


Taskforce Units are Refreshed in an order determined by their controlling Player.

Each Taskforce Unit:

In a Reaction Engagement, Units that have not Refreshed this Round are Refreshed when they Resolve Reactions.


Each Taskforce Unit/Ping may move up to its SPD in inches in any direction without restriction. Units/Pings may move through friendly Units/Pings but may not end their movement overlapping. Units/Pings may not move through enemy Units/Pings.

Pings have a SPD of 4".

In the Unit Activation phase Units/Pings may perform a Move Action to move up to their SPD a second time. This means that Units/Pings can move up to 2 x their SPD per Round.

Optionally Initiate a Reaction Engagement

The opposing player may initiate a Reaction Engagement. See: Reaction Engagement.

Unit Activation

The Active Player activates their Taskforce Units one at a time until all Taskforce Units have been activated. Each Taskforce Unit may only be activated once and each Unit's activation must be completed before activating the next Unit.

When a Unit is activated it gains 1 Action Point and may perform one or more Actions.

After a Unit's Activation is resolved it gains an Activated Token.


Line Of Sight (LOS)

For determining LOS, Units/Pings have a volume matching the footprint of their base with a 1" height. Units/Pings have Line of Sight to each other if a line can be drawn from any point on one Unit/Ping's volume to any point on the other Unit/Ping's volume. Friendly and enemy Units/Pings do not block LOS.


A Unit/Ping is concealed if any part of its base overlaps with concealing area terrain, or it is partially blocked by intervening concealing or LOS blocking terrain.

To determine if a target is concealed by intervening terrain, the acting Unit's controlling player selects a point on the volume of the acting Unit that can draw a line to the target. The target is concealed if a line can be drawn from that point to any point on the volume of the target that crosses intervening terrain.

LOS Diagram


Area Terrain

Type Movement Concealment
Forest -2" Yes
Urban Yes
High Grass Yes
Rough Ground -2"

A Unit/Ping is considered in Area Terrain if any part of its base overlaps or touches the edge of the Area Terrain.

Area Terrain Movement Penalties

If any part of a Unit/Ping's movement crosses slowing Area Terrain it suffers -2" of movement. A movement crossing multiple pieces of Area Terrain does not increase this penalty.

If the -2" movement penalty would prevent a Unit from reaching the edge of Area Terrain, it may move close enough to touch the edge of the area terrain without a -2" penalty.

For example: If a Unit with SPD 6 is 5" away from the edge of Terrain template it may move 5" and end its movement touching the edge of the Area Terrain and is considered in that Area Terrain.

A Unit/Ping beginning its movement touching the edge of Area Terrain is considered to have crossed the Area Terrain and will suffer its movement effects even if moving away from the Area Terrain.

Concealing Area Terrain And LOS

For LOS purposes, Units can see through all concealing area terrain within 6" and can see through up to 2" of concealing area terrain to targets greater than 6" away.

Area Terrain LOS Diagram


When measuring the distance from or to a Unit in a building the height of the building is ignored

Only infantry Units may enter a building and a building may only contain as many infantry Units as can fit on its roof. Moving into or out of a building has no movement penalty.

Players should agree on what terrain pieces are considered buildings and how many 40mm Sub-Units can fit on each building before the game starts.

Building Abstraction

For purposes of moving Units and measuring distances, a building is considered a flat 2d object with no height. When moving into or through a building the Unit is positioned on the roof directly above where it would be on the ground.

Building LOS

When drawing LOS to and from a Unit in a building, the entire building is considered the volume of that Unit. Where the Unit is in the building does not matter for LOS, but the position of the Unit is still used for measuring movement. Building height only affects LOS.

Building Size

Buildings should have a footprint of around 3.5x3.5 inches at most with a height around 1-6 inches. A building this size would allow 4 Sub-Units (40mm diameter) to fit on the roof comfortably. Buildings with a larger footprint should be handled in sections where each section is considered a different building.

Units in tall buildings will have a wide field of view, but will also be visible from a wider range of positions.


A Unit is represented by a vehicle model on a base (60mm/70mm/80mm) or multiple Sub-Units (40mm) each with one or more models on it.


Stat Description Typical Range
SIG, Signature Small / Medium / Large
SPD, Speed Movement distance in inches. 6"
SCAN, Scan Stat added to 2d6 when rolling to REVEAL 5-8
TARG, Targeting Stat added to 2d6 when rolling to hit 5-8
DEF, Defense Target Number to hit when rolling an attack 12-14
CM, Countermeasures Number of Countermeasure Tokens this Unit can have 0-3

Multi-Base Units

Some Units have multiple Sub-Units instead of a vehicle model. How many Sub-Units a multi-base Unit has is indicated on its Unit Card by a number in a circle at the top of the card next to the Unit description. Multi-Base Units have 1-4 Sub-Units.

See: Revealing Infantry Units

Targeting Multi-Base Units

When performing a Combat Action against a Multi-Base Unit select a single Sub-Unit to be the target. Only that Sub-Unit is used for determining LOS and Concealment for the Action targeting it. The Combat Action's effect is applied only to the targeted Sub-Unit.

If targeting a building containing Infantry Bases, the Attacker may choose any Sub-Unit in the building to be the target.

Some Action effects will specify that they apply to the whole Unit if any Sub-Unit is hit.

Multi-Base Unit Countermeasures

Each Sub-Unit in a Multi-Base Unit begins the game with a number of Countermeasure Tokens equal to the Unit's CM stat and regenerate Countermeasures the same as Single-Base Units. When a Sub-Unit is hit by a Combat Action it may only use its own Countermeasure Tokens to negate the effect.

Multi-Base Unit Coherency

Multi-Base Units must end their movement such that all Sub-Unit in the Unit are within 6" of every other Sub-Unit in the Unit. In other words all Sub-Unit in a Unit must fit within a 6" diameter circle.

Multi-Base Unit Activation

When a Multi-Base Unit activates each Sub-Unit gains 1 Action Point and activates one at a time in an order determined by its Controlling Player. Sub-Unit Activations of the same Unit can not be split up and must be completed before activating another Unit.

Multi-Base Unit Actions

Some Multi-Base Units have actions that only specific Teams (single Sub-Unit in the Unit) can perform. For example a Unit may have an action with a team value of "1" or "1-3". Only the team(s) indicated may perform this action. Actions that do not specify a team can be performed by all Sub-Unit in a Unit.

Multi-Base Unit Tokens

In Multi-Base Units Activated Tokens and Stealth Tokens apply to the Unit as a whole. They must be on Sub-Unit to indicate that the Unit is the owner of the Token, but it does not matter which Sub-Unit they are on. See: Unit Tokens All other tokens belong to an individual Sub-Unit.


Pings are an abstract representation of imperfect battlefield information. Each Ping represents a potential Unit of matching Signature. To the enemy, they represent sensor hits indicating a small, medium, or large signature Unit. To the controlling force, they are potential locations of deployment for their Units.

In practice, a Ping is a Unit base without a model on it. When a Ping is Revealed, the Unit model is placed on the Ping (circular base) and it is now considered a Unit instead of a Ping. Fully based minis may be used and swapped with pings when revealed if desired.

Pings may only be targeted by actions that have the REVEAL effect.


A Ping may never move within 2" of an enemy Unit or Ping. Pings can never move through or end their movement in, a position that would cause them to be automatically revealed by an enemy.

All Pings have a SPD stat of 4".

The minimum Unit SPD is 4", so a Unit is always the same speed or faster than a Ping.


Pings can only spend their Action Point to perform a Move Action to move an additional 4".


When a Ping is Revealed, the Controlling Player selects a Unit from their Reserve with the same SIG (Signature) as the Ping. This Unit will be Revealed at the Ping's current position. After revealing, the Unit immediately gains any tokens it starts the game with such as Countermeasure or Stealth tokens.

A Ping is Revealed when:

  • The controlling player chooses to Reveal it in the Reveal phase of a Taskforce Activation
  • If an enemy Unit ends a move within 2"
  • It is hit by an Action with the REVEAL effect

Note: A Ping cannot end a move within 2" of an enemy Unit causing itself to be auto-revealed.

Revealing Units

When Revealed the Unit's model is placed on the Ping (circular base). The circular base and model are now considered a Revealed Unit instead of a Ping. What was the Ping becomes the Unit's base.

Revealing Multi-Base Units

When Revealed, Multi-Base Units Place each Sub-Unit within 3" of the Ping (including the space occupied by the Ping), and the Ping is removed.

See: Multi-Base Units

Decoy Pings

Decoy Pings are normal Pings added to a Force in excess of the number of Units with a matching Signature. Decoy Pings are included in a Force when the Force includes Units with a Decoy[<SIG>] trait, or are granted by a scenario.

For example, a Small Game Force has 3 medium Units and therefore 3 medium Pings. If the Force included 1 medium Decoy Ping, it would begin the game with 3 medium Units and 4 medium Pings.

When a Ping is revealed, if its Force has more Pings of matching SIG on the Battlefield than Units of matching SIG in Reserve, the Ping may be Revealed to be a Decoy instead of a Unit and is removed from the game.

After Revealing a Ping as a Unit, if there are no remaining Units of matching SIG in Reserve, any Pings of matching SIG on the Battlefield are immediately removed from the game.

For example: Joe's Small Game Force has 3 medium Units and 4 medium Pings. On the Battlefield Joe has 2 medium Units and 2 medium Pings. If Joe reveals a medium Ping to be a Unit, he will now have all of 3 of his medium Units and 1 medium Ping on the Battlefield. The medium Ping must be a Decoy, so it is immediately removed from the game.


When a Unit Activates it gains 1 Action Point. A Unit may perform any number of actions provided the action cost is paid. Each action must be completely resolved before performing another action.

The actions a Unit can perform and their costs are indicated on the Unit's card.

Action Stats

Stat Description
Team Which team(s) in a Multi-Base Unit can perform this Action
Cost Cost to perform this action
Target Valid targets for this action
Range Max range in inches, dash (-) indicates unlimited range
ROF (Rate of Fire) The number of times this Action repeats when performed
Effect The effect of a successful hit by this weapon

Action Labels

Actions labeled "(VS Infantry only)" may only target Infantry Units.

Actions labeled "[SCAN]" are Scan Actions.

Action Cost Icons

  • A: 1 Action Point
  • C: 1 Command Point
  • A/C: 1 Action Point OR 1 Command Point
  • A+C: 1 Action Point AND 1 Command Point

See: Command Points

Some actions have no cost and are labeled as a "Free Action". They are resolved like any other action but have No cost.

Move Action

Although not included on the Unit cards, all Units can perform the Move Action for the cost of 1 Action Point. When a Unit performs a Move Action it may move up to its SPD in inches following normal movement rules for terrain.

This means that Units can move up to double their SPD in one turn if they use their Action Point to move a second time.

Overwatch Action

Although not included on the Unit cards, all Units can perform the Overwatch Action for the cost of 1 Action Point. When a Unit performs an Overwatch Action it gains 1 Overwatch Token. Overwatch Tokens allow Units to perform Reactions even after they have activated with a higher chance to act first.

A Multi-Base Unit can only have 1 Overwatch Token as the whole Unit must activate together.

An Overwatch Action may be performed by a Unit participating in a Reaction Engagement.

Scan Action

Any Action labeled "[SCAN]" is a Scan Action. When performing a Scan Action, a Scan Check may be performed for each point of the Scan Action's ROF (Rate of Fire). Before each Scan Check declare the target of the Scan Check. Each Scan Check must be resolved before the next. Each Scan Check may have the same or different targets.

Scan Check

When a Unit performs a Scan Check, select an enemy target within the Scan Action's Range and perform a Scan Roll against it. Scan targets do not need to be in LOS but must be in range.

Scan Roll = 2d6 + SCAN stat + mods vs Target Defense.

If the target is a Unit the Target Defense is equal to its DEF stat.

If the target is a Ping the Target Defense depends on its Signature.

Ping Signature DEF (Defense)
Small 14
Medium 13
Large 12
Ping Concealed in LOS -1
Ping out of LOS -2
Outcome Result
Scan Roll >= Target Defense Success
Scan Roll < Target Defense Failure

If the Scan Roll is successful apply the effect of the Action to the target. If the target is a Unit, it may attempt to negate the effects of the Scan Action with Countermeasures.

The typical Scan Action has a REVEAL effect and is performed against an enemy Ping or a Unit with a Stealth Token. Some Scan Actions with other effects represent electronic warfare or cyber weapons.

Scan Action Effects

If a Scan Check results in a successful hit, resolve the Scan Action's effect against the targeted Unit.

Effect Description
REVEAL Pings hit by this effect are Revealed. Units hit by this effect lose a Stealth Token if they have one.

Actions with a effect cannot be negated by any type of Countermeasures. The effect of the Action is described on the Unit Card.

Combat Actions

Any action with a KILL or STUN effect (and does not have a [SCAN] label) is a Combat Action. Combat Actions may only target enemy Units.

When performing a Combat Action, an Attack may be performed for each point of the Combat Action's ROF (Rate of Fire). Before each Attack declare the target of the Attack. Each Attack must be resolved before the next. Each Attack may have the same or different targets.


When a Unit performs an Attack, select an enemy Unit within the Combat Action's Range and LOS, then perform an Attack Roll against it.

Attack Roll = 2d6 + TARG stat + mods vs Unit DEF.

Modifiers Mod
Short Range ( < 6" )* +1
Long Range ( > 16" ) -1
Target Concealed -1
Outcome Result
Attack Roll >= Unit Defense Hit
Attack Roll < Unit Defense Miss

*Combat Actions with a range stat of 6" or less do not gain the short range bonus.

If the Attack Roll is successful apply the effect of the Action to the target. The target may attempt to negate the effects of the Combat Action with Countermeasures.

Combat Action Effects

If an Attack results in a successful hit, resolve the Combat Action's effect against the targeted Unit.

Effect Description
KILL The targeted Unit or Sub-Unit of a Multi-Base Unit is destroyed and removed from the game.
STUN The targeted Unit or Sub-Unit of a Multi-Base Unit gains a Stun Token. If the target already has a Stun Token, there is no further effect.

Special Actions

Actions with a effect are Special Actions and cannot be negated by any type of Countermeasures. The Action's described effect is resolved immediately.


Countermeasures represent a Unit's ability to avoid attacks and damage. In Downsync, weapon and Countermeasure details are purposely abstracted to avoid the tedium of tracking what Countermeasures would be effective against what weapons under what conditions.

Countermeasures may be spent to negate a KILL or STUN effect. Other effects may not be negated by Countermeasures.

Spending Countermeasures

When hit by an Attack, a Unit may spend a Countermeasure Token to perform a Countermeasure Check. If the Countermeasure Check is successful the Combat Action's effect is negated. The Countermeasure Token is spent regardless of the Countermeasure Check outcome.

When a Countermeasure Check fails, the Unit may spend additional Countermeasure Tokens to attempt to negate the effect. Each check is resolved before deciding to spend an additional Countermeasure Token. The Unit may continue to spend Countermeasure Tokens until all of them have been spent.

When first hit by an Attack or after failing a Countermeasure Check, a Unit is not required to spend a Countermeasure Token. Instead, the Unit may allow the Attack's effect to be applied.

Special Actions ( effect) cannot be negated by any type of Countermeasures.

Spending Emergency Countermeasures

Any time a Unit could spend a Countermeasure Token it may spend an Emergency Countermeasure Token instead. If it does the Countermeasure Check is automatically successful without a die roll. The Controlling Player must decide which to use before performing a Countermeasure Check.

Countermeasure Check

Roll 3+ on 1d6 to negate the effect of one attack.

Outcome Result
1d6 roll >= 3 Success
1d6 roll < 3 Failure

Emergency Countermeasures automatically succeed Countermeasure Checks.

Regenerating Countermeasures

When a Unit is Refreshed it replenishes its Countermeasure Tokens so that it has a number equal to its CM stat. Emergency Countermeasures do not Regenerate.

Reaction Engagements

Units controlled by a non-active Player that have not activated this round (or have an Overwatch Token), have a chance to react and possibly act before activating Units.

Initiating a Reaction Engagement

A non-active player may initiate a reaction engagement after the active player completes the movement phase of their Taskforce Activation, but before the Unit Activation phase.

Resolving a Reaction Engagement

Declare Participating Units

The Active Player's Taskforce Units must participate in the Reaction Engagement. The Active Player may declare any number of their non-Taskforce Units with an Overwatch Token to join the Taskforce and participate in the Reaction Engagement.

Then the non-Active Player declares which eligible Units will participate in the Reaction Engagement. The Non-Active Player's Units that have not Activated this Round or have an Overwatch Token are eligible. The number of non-Active Player Units participating may not exceed the Active Player's participating Unit count without spending Command Points.

Adding Additional Non-Active Player Units

The non-Active Player may spend Command Point(s) to include additional Unit(s) exceeding the number of Active Player Units participating at a cost of 1 Command Point per Unit.

Reaction Engagement Taskforces

The Active Player's participating Units now become part of the Active Player's Taskforce. The non-Active Player's participating Units are now considered to be in a Reaction Taskforce. A Reaction Taskforce is identical to a Taskforce in the case of rules that refer to Units in the same Taskforce.

Reaction Priority Order

Each participating Unit will have a Reaction Priority number and will act in order from highest to lowest. The active Player wins ties between opposing Units. Ties between friendly Units act in an order determined by their controlling player. After the Reaction Priority of each participating Unit is determined place a d6 indicating the Reaction Priority next to each participating Unit.

When a participating Unit completes its activation remove its Reaction Priority die to indicate it has completed its Unit Activation.

Determine Reaction Priority

Each Unit participating in the Reaction Engagement performs a Reaction Priority Roll.

Boosting Reaction Priority

Players may spend a Command Point to boost a single Unit's Reaction Priority roll. Starting with the non-active player, each player declares zero or more participating Units to boost and spends a Command Point for each one. Then both players perform a Reaction Priority Roll for each participating Unit.

Reaction Priority Roll

All participating Units roll 1d6 to determine its Reaction Priority. Keep the die with the result next to the Unit and remove the die after it has completed its Unit Activation.

Reaction Priority Rolls may be Boosted like all other rolls. If a Unit has an Overwatch Token its Priority Roll is automatically Boosted without spending a Command Point.

Resolve Reactions

In reaction priority order, each Unit may perform a Unit Activation. Instead of performing a Unit Activation, a Unit may hold its reaction by reducing the value of its Reaction Priority die by 1. This can be done multiple times, but the Reaction Priority die may not be less than 1.

Units that have not Refreshed this Round are Refreshed immediately before resolving their Unit Activation. A Unit has already been Refreshed this Round when it is in the Active Player's Taskforce or has an Activated Token.

When a Unit is Refreshed it removes its Overwatch Token if it has one. When activating, Units may perform an Overwatch Action as normal and gain an Overwatch Token to be used in a later Reaction Engagement.

Reactions and Overwatch Actions

When resolving a reaction a Unit may spend its Action Point to perform an Overwatch Action and gain a new Overwatch Token to be used in a future Reaction Engagement. Units performing an Overwatch Action this way may not perform any other actions during this activation.

A Unit resolving its reaction may want to perform an Overwatch Action if it no longer has any targets to attack. Saving its action for later.


After all reactions are resolved each participating Unit gains an Activated Token.

Special Rules

Ability Stacking

Multiple instances of the same ability do not stack unless specified as such. Including if an ability with the same name comes from multiple sources.

Place Abilities

Some abilities describe Placing a Unit, Sub-Unit, or Ping within X". Placing is different from moving it does not suffer terrain movement penalties and does not require a clear path. When Placing a Multi-Base Unit, Place each Sub-Unit anywhere within X" of its current position and within 6" of every other Sub-Unit in the Unit. After Placing a Unit/Ping it must not overlap any other Units/Pings or impassible terrain. Only Sub-Unit may be Placed within buildings. When a Unit or Ping is Placed it may not be placed within 2" of an enemy Ping.

Place Ability Diagram

Rule Specificity

Rules text on Unit Cards take precedence over rulebook text. Unit Cards are intended to modify the core rules of the game.

Unit Tokens

Each Unit has tokens represented by 8mm colored cubes. The tokens are placed on the base of the Unit to clearly show what Unit they belong to. When a Unit spends a token it is removed from the Unit's base and set aside.

Activated Token

A Unit with an Activated Token has been activated this Round. The Unit cannot activate, be part of a Taskforce, or participate in Reaction Engagements until the next round.

Color Green
Gained After Unit Activates
Can have multiple No
Multi-Base Units 1 Token for the Unit as each Sub-Unit in the Unit activates together
Removed Round start

Countermeasure Token

When a Unit is hit by an Attack it may spend a Countermeasure Token to perform a Countermeasure Check.

Color White
Gained When Unit is first Revealed and when it is Refreshed
Can have multiple Yes
Multi-Base Units Each Sub-Unit gains Countermeasure Tokens equal to the Unit's CM stat
Removed When spent

Emergency Countermeasure Token

When a Unit is hit by an Attack it may spend an Emergency Countermeasure Token to perform and automatically succeed a Countermeasure Check. Emergency Countermeasures do not Regenerate.

Color Yellow
Gained When Unit is first Revealed
Can have multiple Yes
Multi-Base Units Each Sub-Unit gains Emergency Countermeasure Tokens equal to the Unit's CM+ stat
Removed When spent

Overwatch Token

A Unit with an Overwatch Token can participate in Reaction Engagements even if it has an Activated Token and its Reaction Priority Rolls is Boosted.

Color Purple
Gained After performing an Overwatch Action
Can have multiple No
Multi-Base Units 1 Token for the Unit as each Sub-Unit in the Unit activates together
Removed Taskforce Designation or after resolving an Activation in a Reaction Engagement

Stun Token

Before performing its Unit Activation, a Unit with a Stun Token must spend 1 of the following then remove the Stun Token: Command Point, Action Point, Countermeasure Token, Emergency Countermeasure Token.

Color Orange
Gained After suffering the STUN effect
Can have multiple No
Multi-Base Units 1 Token for each Infantry-Base. Each must remove its own Stun Token
Removed After resolving an activation that suffered its effect or spending a Command Point to remove it in the Refresh phase

Stealth Token

A Unit with a Stealth Token can only be targeted by enemy Actions with a REVEAL effect. A Unit loses its Stealth Token immediately after resolving a Combat Action and in all cases that would cause a Ping to be Revealed or if it ends a move or Placement within 2" of an enemy Unit. A Unit cannot gain a Stealth Token if an enemy Unit is within 2".

Color Black
Gained By Unit special abilities
Can have multiple No
Multi-Base Units 1 Token for the Unit. All Sub-Units benefit from the effects of a Stealth Token
Removed A Unit loses the token when it makes an attack action or an enemy Unit successfully REVEALS it or an enemy Unit (or it) ends a movement or Placement within 2".

Unit Token Quick Reference

Token Color
Command Point Blue
Activated Green
Countermeasure White
Emergency Countermeasure Yellow
Overwatch Purple
Stun Orange
Stealth Black


Scenarios are typically played on a 4x6 foot table with players on opposite table edges.

Control Objectives

A Control Objective is a miniature on a medium Ping or terrain with the same footprint (70mm diameter circle).

Control Objectives do not block LOS and may be moved through by either player's Units, but Units may not end their movement overlapping a Control Objective.

The scenario will specify:

  • Where Control Objectives are placed.
  • Which Control Objectives each Player's Units can score and block points on.
  • When Control Objective points are scored. Typically, it will be at the end of each Round after the first.

Scoring Points

Resolve the scoring of each Control Objective by selecting them one at a time. For each Unit that can score points on the selected Control Objective within 1", the Unit's owner scores 1 point. For each Unit that can block points on the selected Control Objective within 6", the Unit owner's opponent scores 1 less point.

If a Unit can score or block a point on multiple Control Objectives, its owner selects which Control Objective it will target.

A scenario may specify a Control Objective that a Player's Units can both score and block points on. A Unit may both score and block points at the same time, but must do so targeting the same Control Objective.

Multi-Base Units must have at least one Sub-Unit within 1" to score a point and within 6" to block a point. Multi-Base Units that have lost more than half of their starting number of Sub-Units can not score points but may still block them.

Intro Scenario: VIP Capture

This scenario is intended for new players learning the game. It is simple, fast, and brutal. Use a 4x4 ft battlefield for small size games and 6x4 ft for a standard size games.


  1. Both players roll a die. The highest-scoring player is the attacker and the other is the defender.
  2. The defender selects which of the table edges to defend from.
  3. The attacker will attack from the opposite edge.
  4. Starting with the attacker, both players place a Control Objective touching the center line parallel with the attacker/defender table edges, and not within 1" of concealing terrain.


  1. The attacker deploys all of their Pings completely within 8" of their table edge
  2. The defender deploys all of their Pings completely within 8" of their table edge

Scoring Control Objectives

Both Player's Units can score and block points on both Control Objectives.

Winning The Game

A Player wins the game when they have scored 3 or more points or the opposing side is wiped out.